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Wasting is so last season: 5 tips on how to cut out food waste


We all love food in one way or another, but do we really appreciate the amount of work and natural resources it takes to make? Food waste is one of humanities big failures of the 21st century and we, as individuals, have the responsibility to change our habits before it's too late.

Social media has made food sexy! From cherry tomato and feta pasta to the infamous Green goddess salad, great mouth watering recipes are literally at our fingertips. It's just a matter of finding the motivation to make them, especially after Sussie_91 from Idaho makes it look so effortless and easy.

But how many of us actually stop and think about the amount of work and natural resources it takes to make those raw ingredients. From physical labour to water to seeds and feed, the effort needed to make even the most simple vegetable, fruit or cut of meat, is immense .. and let's not get started on the carbon footprint related to transportation and packaging.

So essentially: Wasting food = Wasting all of the above! This in turn increases green house gases which, as we all know causes Climate Change. It is estimated by the UN that food wastage's carbon footprint is approximately 3.3 billion tonnes of CO2 released into the atmosphere per year. Now if that doesn't shake you, I don't know what will.

We have a responsibility as individuals of this gorgeous planet to begin educating ourselves and changing our habits for the better. It's never too late to change. Age is just a number and you're not a dog, so you can definitely adopt a new trick or two #fetch

Tip #1 - Buy only what you need

Preparation is key. In today's shiny new fancy supermarkets it's very (VERY) easy to get swayed by in-store marketing, lighting, music, scents etc. Trust me, these guys know how to play on your senses and emotions!

Shopping lists make your life that much easier and efficient. Think of them as your 'blinders': there's no need to even glance at the new Cookie dough Oreo biscuits: are they on your weekly grocery list? - No. Avoid those tempting impulse buys and you'll realise just how much food waste AND money you'll save.

Tip #2 - Storage is king

The power of a good airtight container should not be underestimated. Let's face it, fresh food, doesn't stay fresh for long - unless you store it correctly. Bad storage = spoiled food = food waste .. which we're trying to avoid now, remember?!

Food huggers is an amazing brand we're currently stocking, that offers a range of products focused on a mission to keep fresh food fresh for longer! From airtight hugger bags to Huggers that keep cut veggies from spoiling, these BPA-free silicone reusable powerhouses are your new kitchen best friend. Our mothers had Tupperware, we have Food huggers ;)

Tip #3 - Composting is queen

Remember about all those natural resources I mentioned earlier? The ones like water and land and feed that are used to make the food we eat every single day? Well, besides respecting our food, there is a way we can give back: composting!

"Home composting can potentially divert up to 150 kg of food waste per household per year from local collection authorities." – FAO, United Nations

Now before you go out and buy your first worm and start stinking up the neighbourhood, there are some simple solutions. We're lucky enough that our local authorities are investing in facilities to process food waste. By starting to actually use our 'green' bins and disposing of our food waste correctly, we can help give nutrients back to the soil and reduce our carbon footprint

Tip #4 - Support local

We may be small but we are mighty! Malta and Gozo have some of the best produce around, and what's great is that it's super accessible. Busy week at the office? In today's convenience driven world we can order fresh local produce to our door with a touch of a button.

Better yet, make an outing of it and head on down to a farmer's market like the one in Taqali. They open Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m and sell all your local favourites including Gbejna, Bigilla and more. Your waistline may not be happy but your tummy and pocket will be all the more grateful for it.

Tip #5 - Love thy leftovers

Lastly, left overs are a great way to reinvent an old dish. How many of us have woken from a rough night out and found themselves cooking a Michelin star worthy meal from scraps we've just found in the fridge? Garden Ramsey eat your heart out!

Be creative, have fun with it, add spices and herbs to bring new life to Wednesday's casserole. Trust me, you'll be surprised with what you can create when you're on the spot.

Time to go out there and get saving ...

We all know how busy and complicated life has began, but that's no excuse to choose convenience and laziness and simply waste food when there are so many ways and means to avoid it. Let us know if you have any other great tips on how to avoid food waste - Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.


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